Consumer & Gadgets

With a new app, smart devices can use GPS underwater

Even for scuba and snorkeling enthusiasts, the plunge into open water can be dislocating. Divers frequently swim with limited visibility, which can become a safety hazard for teams trying to find each other in an emergency. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Waterproof 'e-glove' could help scuba divers communicate

When scuba divers need to say "I'm okay" or "Shark!" to their dive partners, they use hand signals to communicate visually. But sometimes these movements are difficult to see.


'Amphibious' sensors make new, waterproof technologies possible

Researchers have demonstrated a technique for creating sensors that can function both in air and underwater. The approach paves the way for "amphibious" sensors with applications ranging from wildlife monitoring to biomedical ...


Video: Diving robot for dangerous operations

Divers are often put at considerable risk when searching for people or objects underwater. The ETH spin-off Tethys has developed an underwater robot that can be used in situations that are too dangerous for human divers.


Solar flares, bubble rings, and ink chandeliers

Engineers from Caltech have generated a computer simulation of underwater bubble rings that is so realistic it is virtually indistinguishable from a video of the real thing. The point of the research, however, lies well beyond ...