
AI radar system that can spot miniature drones 3 kilometers away

DGIST announced on Tuesday, July 16 that Senior Researcher Dae-gun Oh's team in the Collaborative Robots Research Center developed a radar system that can detect subminiature drones that are 3km away. This research is expected ...


New dual-propeller drone can fly twice as long

EPFL startup Flybotix has developed a novel drone with just two propellers and an advanced stabilization system that allow it to fly for twice as long as conventional models. That fact, together with its small size, makes ...


Here's why your internet may be delivered by a drone someday soon

As the pilotless flying wing came in for a landing, winds suddenly picked up. Facebook Inc.'s Aquila drone—powered by the sun and wider than a Boeing 737 jetliner—struggled to adjust. Just before landing, part of the ...


Drones to deliver incessant buzzing noise, and packages

A sister company of Google, Alphabet's Wing Aviation, just got federal approval to start using drones for commercial delivery. Amazon's own drone-delivery program is ready to launch as well. As drones take flight, the world ...


Like Uber, but for organs: first kidney delivered by drone

A kidney needed for transplantation has been delivered by a drone for the first time ever, the University of Maryland Medical Center said, a development that could herald faster and safer organ transport.


Google-linked firm wins US approval for drone deliveries

Wing Aviation, a firm owned by Google parent Alphabet, on Tuesday became the first drone operator to be certified as an airline by US authorities, allowing it to begin commercial deliveries in the country.

Hi Tech & Innovation

A short first hop for 'drone taxi' in Vienna

It was more of a small step than a giant leap, but the first public outing of a pilotless "drone taxi" in Vienna on Thursday nevertheless offered a glimpse into the possible future of urban travel.

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Drone may refer to:

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