Computer Sciences

Why GPT detectors aren't a solution to the AI cheating problem

In the wake of the high-profile launch of ChatGPT, no fewer than seven developers or companies have countered with AI detectors. That is, AI they say is able to tell when content was written by another AI. These new algorithms ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithm aces university math course questions

Multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra—topics that many MIT students can ace without breaking a sweat—have consistently stumped machine learning models. The best models have only been able to answer ...

Computer Sciences

ChatGPT takes on the tough US medical licensing exam

Dr. ChatGPT will see you soon. The artificial intelligence system scored passing or near passing results on the US medical licensing exam, according to a study published on Thursday.

Energy & Green Tech

New 'fabric' converts motion into electricity

Scientists at NTU Singapore have developed a stretchable and waterproof "fabric" that turns energy generated from body movements into electrical energy.


Is TikTok stealing more than just your time?

More than 86 million Americans use the social media app TikTok to create, share, and view short videos, featuring everything from cute animals and influencer advice to comedy and dance performances. Though users consider ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A new wearable technology—for plants

Plants can't speak up when they are thirsty. And visual signs, such as shriveling or browning leaves, don't start until most of their water is gone. To detect water loss earlier, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials ...

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Education in its broadest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another through institutions.

Teachers in such institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. This process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of youth. Teachers in specialized professions such as astrophysics, law, or zoology may teach only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, e.g., at museums and libraries, with the Internet, and in life experience.

The right to education has been described as a basic human right: since 1952, Article 2 of the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education. At world level, the United Nations' International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 guarantees this right under its Article 13.

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