Electronics & Semiconductors

Disposable electronics on a simple sheet of paper

Discarded electronic devices, such as cell phones, are a fast-growing source of waste. One way to mitigate the problem could be to use components that are made with renewable resources and that are easy to dispose of responsibly. ...


Fabricating fully functional drones

From "Star Trek" replicators to Richie Rich's wishing machine, popular culture has a long history of parading flashy machines that can instantly output any item. While 3-D printers have now made it possible to produce a range ...


3-D printing of metallic micro-objects

3-D printing has become an increasingly important production method. Researchers at ETH have now developed a new 3-D printing technique by which micrometre-sized objects made of several metals can be produced with high spatial ...

Machine learning & AI

The next step in AI? Mimicking a baby's brain

The phrase "positive reinforcement," is something you hear more often in an article about child rearing than one about artificial intelligence. But according to Alice Parker, Dean's Professor of Electrical Engineering in ...

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Electronic circuit

An electronic circuit is a closed path or paths formed by the interconnection of electronic components through which an electric current can flow.

Physically, an electronic circuit can be as small as a pin point or cover many miles. They are constructed by connecting electronic components together with conductors, which allow electricity to flow between the components. Integrated circuits are small circuits constructed from a piece of semiconductor housed in a protective package. While larger circuits may be built by assembling electronic components onto a printed circuit board (PCB), which is used to mechanically support and electrically connect the components. Integrated circuits are typically used as components in larger circuits built onto PCBs. When components are connected using wire as the conductor, the circuit may be extended to cover or connect a large area.

Breadboards, perfboards or stripboards are common for testing new designs. They allow the designer to make quick changes to the circuit during development.

Electronic circuits can display highly complex behaviors, even though they are governed by the same laws of physics as simpler circuits.

An electronic circuit can usually be categorized as an analog circuit, a digital circuit, or a mixed-signal circuit (a combination of analog circuits and digital circuits).

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