
Electronic nose determines the quality of wine

An electronic nose consists of some sensors, a signal processing system and an analysis system. "The e-nose can identify substances using a method similar to the human sense of smell. The use of AI is increasing the potential ...


Scientists to develop electronic noses to track down body odors

In April 2022, the project "Smart Electronic Olfaction for Body Odor Diagnostics"—SMELLODI for short—started with the kick-off meeting. The objective of the seven partners from Germany, Israel and Finland is to develop ...


With a whiff, 'e-nose' can sense fine whiskey

Scotch or Irish, single malt or blended? While a whiskey enthusiast might be able to distinguish the good stuff from run-of-the-mill by smell alone, most tipplers rely on the label, black or otherwise.


Researchers develop on-chip printed 'electronic nose'

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Russia and Germany have designed an on-chip printed "electronic nose" that serves as a proof of concept for this kind of low-cost and sensitive devices to be used in portable ...