Energy & Green Tech

Ammonia-fueled marine engine cuts CO₂ emissions by 50%

MW-class marine engine combustion technology that uses ammonia—a future renewable energy source—as fuel will be applied on-site for the first time in Korea. A ship engine fueled by ammonia is expected to accelerate its ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar investment outstrips all other power forms: IEA

More money is pouring into solar power than all other electricity sources combined, with investments set to reach half a trillion dollars this year, the world's top energy research body said Thursday.

Energy & Green Tech

Microgrids could help solve challenges of renewable energy

Renewable energy is the way of the future, but issues such as variability and surplus generation have so far created headaches in the move to fully utilizing these energy solutions. New research led by Murdoch University, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Ocean-inspired tech could speed up carbon capture from ships

The ocean has a hidden talent, honed over millennia: the ability to capture and store vast quantities of carbon dioxide, a key driver of climate change. However, the ocean's natural carbon capture cycles, which take hundreds ...

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