
How human faces can teach androids to smile

Robots able to display human emotion have long been a mainstay of science fiction stories. Now, Japanese researchers have been studying the mechanical details of real human facial expressions to bring those stories closer ...

Machine learning & AI

AI could transform the way we understand emotion

An emotion recognition tool—developed by University of the West of Scotland (UWS) academics—could help people with neurodiverse conditions including autism.

Machine learning & AI

EmoSense: an AI-powered and wireless emotion sensing system

Researchers at Hefei University of Technology in China and various universities in Japan have recently developed a unique emotion sensing system that can recognize people's emotions based on their body gestures. They presented ...

Consumer & Gadgets

A method to introduce emotion recognition in gaming

Virtual Reality (VR) is opening up exciting new frontiers in the development of video games, paving the way for increasingly realistic, interactive and immersive gaming experiences. VR consoles, in fact, allow gamers to feel ...

Machine learning & AI

Identifying perceived emotions from people's walking style

A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Maryland at College Park has recently developed a new deep learning model that can identify people's emotions based on their walking ...

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