Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop a roadmap for growth of new solar cells

Materials called perovskites show strong potential for a new generation of solar cells, but they've had trouble gaining traction in a market dominated by silicon-based solar cells. Now, a study by researchers at MIT and elsewhere ...

Energy & Green Tech

New insight could lead to better silicon solar panels

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Colorado School of Mines are applying a new technique to identify defects in silicon solar cells that cause a drop in efficiency. ...

Energy & Green Tech

NREL identifies where new solar technologies can be flexible

Rigid silicon solar panels dominate the utility and residential markets, but opportunity exists for thin-film photovoltaic and emerging technologies notable for being lightweight and flexible, according to scientists at the ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Startup unveils 'car of future' for $45,000

A Chinese startup unveiled its vision for the automobile of the future Sunday, promising to deliver an "intuitive and intelligent" car to global markets starting next year from around $45,000.


Foxconn eyes 40 percent global AI server market share

Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn said Friday its global market for artificial intelligence servers is expected to increase to 40 percent this year, with AI products being the main driver for growth.

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