Energy & Green Tech

Banish retrofit blues with one-stop shop and better living

Retrofitting housing to be more energy efficient and provide equitable benefits for all is essential to make Europe carbon neutral. The job is challenging and complex and some people have trust barriers to overcome.


Researchers 3D print sensors for satellites

MIT scientists have created the first completely digitally manufactured plasma sensors for orbiting spacecraft. These plasma sensors, also known as retarding potential analyzers (RPAs), are used by satellites to determine ...


A technique to teach bimanual robots stir-fry cooking

As robots make their way into a variety of real-world environments, roboticists are trying to ensure that they can efficiently complete a growing number of tasks. For robots that are designed to assist humans in their homes, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Biden's biofuel: Cheaper at the pump, but high environmental cost

In an effort to ease Americans' pain at the gas pump, President Joe Biden has announced his administration will ease restrictions on the sale of E15—gasoline that includes 15 percent ethanol—and new investments in biofuels ...

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