
AI copilots set to engage the future of air combat

The future of military conflict is inseparable from the development of artificial intelligence (AI). The battlefield of the future will be redefined by the fielding of intelligent autonomous systems operating at machine speed ...


Going top shelf with AI to better track hockey data

Researchers from the University of Waterloo got a valuable assist from artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help capture and analyze data from professional hockey games faster and more accurately than ever before, with big ...

Machine learning & AI

Ten ways artificial intelligence will shape the next five years

Over the past year, artificial intelligence has made a significant impact on the world. While most of us have noticed the advancements in text and image tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, a deeper revolution is happening ...


Research group releases white papers on governance of AI

Providing a resource for U.S. policymakers, a committee of MIT leaders and scholars has released a set of policy briefs that outlines a framework for the governance of artificial intelligence. The approach includes extending ...

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