Machine learning & AI

Can you trust your ears? AI voice scams rattle US

The voice on the phone seemed frighteningly real—an American mother heard her daughter sobbing before a man took over and demanded a ransom. But the girl was an AI clone and the abduction was fake.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Audio classification with skyrmion reservoirs

"Seven, one, nine, ...": A human voice pronounces digits, a physical material recognizes them with about 97 percent accuracy. This pattern recognition system was developed by physicists at the University of Duisburg-Essen ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Siri, meet grandma: Building a voice assistant for older adults

Computer scientists at the University of California San Diego received an Amazon Research Award to develop a voice assistant to better communicate with older adults. Their initial goal is to create a system capable of understanding ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Why won't some people use a smartphone? And is that difficult?

In a world where more and more services and social interaction are based on mobile apps, a smartphone has become close to a necessity. Despite this, some people avoid smartphones and instead use a dumbphone—a traditional ...

Machine learning & AI

Giving computers a voice

From Alexa and Siri to translation programs and computer-generated news, anything seems possible these days.The Media Technology Center is searching for applications that could lend a hand with day-to-day editorial work.


Greater safety through better communication at sea

Communication in the maritime environment is important for safety but does not always run smoothly. This can have catastrophic consequences. After all, 90% of all accidents at sea are caused by human error, and half of these ...

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