Machine learning & AI

A faster way to optimize deep learning models

AI and its related terms are now fairly well known. Many people have heard of terms such as "neural network" and may even associate "CNN" with "Convolutional Neural Network" instead of the news organization. Those with more ...

Computer Sciences

Seeing 3D images through the eyes of AI

Image recognition technology has come a long way since 2012 when a group of computer scientists at the University of Toronto created a convolutional neural network (CNN)—dubbed "AlexNet" after its creator Alex Krizhevsky—that ...

Computer Sciences

Study finds AI recognizes faces but not like the human brain

Face recognition technology emulates human performance and can even exceed it. And it is becoming increasingly more common for it to be used with cameras for real-time recognition, such as to unlock a smartphone or laptop, ...

Computer Sciences

Breakthrough method for robust and effective edge detection

Edge detection is the process of outlining objects in a scene by identifying areas where changes in color or intensity signal boundaries between objects. It is vital in computer vision applications like object recognition, ...

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