Energy & Green Tech

Molecular coating enhances organic solar cells

An electrode coating just one molecule thick can significantly enhance the performance of an organic photovoltaic cell, KAUST researchers have found. The coating outperforms the leading material currently used for this task ...

Energy & Green Tech

A touch of zirconium to better catch the sun

Transparent conductive films that let through a broader range of the solar spectrum have been developed by KAUST and are set to increase the power conversion efficiency of perovskite-based multijunction solar cells beyond ...


Researchers develop technique to de-ice surfaces in seconds

Airplane wings, wind turbines and indoor heating systems all struggle under the weight and chill of ice. De-icing techniques are energy-intensive, however, and often require large masses of ice to melt completely in order ...

Energy & Green Tech

Creating ultralight flexible perovskite solar cells

In a recently-published study, 3-µm-thick commercially available parylene-C was deposited on the top of pre-cleaned glass via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and then the flip-over transferring (FOT) process was employed ...

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