
Amazon's French warehouses fined over employee surveillance

France's data protection agency said Tuesday that it had fined Amazon's French warehouses unit 32 million euros ($34.9 million) for an "excessively intrusive" surveillance system to keep track of staff performance.

Computer Sciences

Researchers create framework for large-scale geospatial exploration

When combating complex problems like illegal poaching and human trafficking, efficient yet broad geospatial search tools can provide critical assistance in finding and stopping the activity. A visual active search (VAS) framework ...


Algorithm offers encryption boost for cross-border e-commerce

Writing in the International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, a team from China has revealed a novel approach to boost privacy for cross-border e-commerce users. Na Wang, Feng Gao, and Ji Zhang of Changchun ...

Computer Sciences

Team develops a new deepfake detector designed to be less biased

The image spoke for itself. University at Buffalo computer scientist and deepfake expert Siwei Lyu created a photo collage out of the hundreds of faces that his detection algorithms had incorrectly classified as fakeā€”and ...

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Information as a concept has a diversity of meanings, from everyday usage to technical settings. Generally speaking, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, and representation.

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