Machine learning & AI

AI learns complex gene-disease patterns

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being harnessed by researchers to track down genes that cause disease. A KAUST team is taking a creative, combined deep learning approach that uses data from multiple sources to teach algorithms ...

Machine learning & AI

Understanding the animal brain could help robots wash your dishes

Artificial intelligence (AI) still has a lot to learn from animal brains, says Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) neuroscientist Anthony Zador. Now, he's hoping that lessons from neuroscience can help the next generation ...

Machine learning & AI

The brain inspires a new type of artificial intelligence

Machine learning, introduced 70 years ago, is based on evidence of the dynamics of learning in the brain. Using the speed of modern computers and large datasets, deep learning algorithms have recently produced results comparable ...

Machine learning & AI

Getting AI ethics wrong could 'annihilate technical progress'

An intelligent water gun that uses facial recognition to identify its targets is helping to highlight some of the emerging human rights issues surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) – an area of research that is on the ...

Machine learning & AI

Eliminating bias in AI

In human beings, intelligence is no inoculation against bias and bigotry. The same holds true for computers. Intelligent machines learn about the world through the filters of human language and historical behaviour—meaning ...


Boosting the 'brains' of computers with less wasted energy

Many internal components used in today's computers reach temperatures that are hot enough to cook a Thanksgiving meal. The heat produced by the computations can easily burn human skin and tissue – and much of the heat is ...

Machine learning & AI

Study uses neural networks to define Dada

To make a Dadaist poem, artist Tristan Tzara once said, cut out each word of a newspaper article. Put the words into a bag and shake. Remove the words from the bag one at a time, and write them down in that order.

Computer Sciences

An AI that 'de-biases' algorithms

We've learned in recent years that AI systems can be unfair, which is dangerous, as they're increasingly being used to do everything from predicting crime to determining what news we consume. Last year's study showing the ...

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