
These robots can move your couch

To train robots how to work independently but cooperatively, researchers at the University of Cincinnati gave them a relatable task: Move a couch.

Computer Sciences

New simulator helps robots sharpen their cutting skills

Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) Department of Computer Science and NVIDIA have unveiled a new simulator for robotic cutting that can accurately reproduce the forces acting on a knife as it slices ...


Need help building IKEA furniture? This robot can lend a hand

As robots increasingly join forces to work with humans—from nursing care homes to warehouses to factories—they must be able to proactively offer support. But first, robots have to learn something we know instinctively: ...


Why robots need reflexes

Reflexes protect our bodies—for example when we pull our hand back from a hot stove. These protective mechanisms could also be useful for robots. In this interview, Prof. Sami Haddadin and Johannes Kühn of the Munich School ...


A modular building platform for the most ingenious of robots

A team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) have developed a system with which they can fabricate miniature robots building block by building block, which function exactly as required.

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