
How to compete with robots

When it comes to the future of intelligent robots, the first question people ask is often: How many jobs will they make disappear? Whatever the answer, the second question is likely to be: How can I make sure that my job ...


Mining garbage and the circular economy

Over the last century, we have mined more and more raw materials, and manufactured products from those materials. Increased prices for mined raw materials and improved recycling technology have enabled some industries to ...


3 Questions: How the mini cheetah robot learns to run

It's been roughly 23 years since one of the first robotic animals trotted on the scene, defying classical notions of our cuddly four-legged friends. Since then, a barrage of the walking, dancing, and door-opening machines ...


Robots collect underwater litter

Removing litter from oceans and seas is a costly and time-consuming process. As part of a European cooperative project, a team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is developing a robotic system that uses machine learning ...


Dexterous robotic hands manipulate thousands of objects with ease

At just one year old, a baby is more dexterous than a robot. Sure, machines can do more than just pick up and put down objects, but we're not quite there as far as replicating a natural pull towards exploratory or sophisticated ...

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