
Ryanair orders 300 Boeing 737 MAX jets worth $40 bn

Irish airline Ryanair Tuesday ordered 300 Boeing 737 MAX jets worth over $40 billion at list prices, representing the US aerospace giant's latest big contract in a fast-recovering aviation market.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Europe must boost chip production amid Asia risks: EU chief

Europe must boost mass production of vital semiconductors due to worsening geopolitical risks in Asian chip-making centers, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said Tuesday.


Click beetle-inspired robots jump using elastic energy

Researchers have made a significant leap forward in developing insect-sized jumping robots capable of performing tasks in the small spaces often found in mechanical, agricultural and search-and-rescue settings.


United Airlines announces huge Boeing 787 order

United Airlines on Tuesday unveiled an order of 100 new Boeing 787 Dreamliners, with options for an additional 100 jets, as the company banks on rebounding demand for international travel following a years-long pandemic slowdown.

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