Machine learning & AI

Neuroscience opens the black box of artificial intelligence

Computer scientists at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg are aiming to use the findings and established methods of brain research to better understand the way in which artificial intelligence works.

Computer Sciences

How sensors and big data can help cut food waste

Modern farming has evolved by adopting technical advances such as machines for ploughing and harvesting, controlled irrigation, fertilisers, pesticides, crop breeding and genetics research. These have helped farmers to produce ...


The price of AI art: Has the bubble burst?

Last fall, an AI-generated portrait rocked the art world selling for a staggering US$432,500 at Christie's auction house in New York. The portrait called "Edmond de Belamy" features a slightly out-of-focus man with no nose ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning research may aid many industries

Spam emails, bank fraud, diabetes, workers quitting their jobs. What do these topics have in common? The answer can be found in machine learning research at Binghamton University.


AI to determine when to intervene with your driving

Can your AI agent judge when to talk to you while you are driving? According to a KAIST research team, their in-vehicle conservation service technology will judge when it is appropriate to contact you to ensure your safety.

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