Machine learning & AI

Consider workplace AI's impact before it's too late, study says

The consequences of workplace automation will likely impact just about every aspect of our lives, and scholars and policymakers need to start thinking about it far more broadly if they want to have a say in what the future ...


In the shoes of a robot: The future approaches

Identifying with someone is an exercise that helps us understand them deeply, empathize with them, and helps us overcome mistrust and prejudice. And this occurs even when that someone is a robot. These interpersonal dynamics ...


Researchers investigate a new use for plastic bottles

For years, unrecycled plastic bottles have been dumped in landfills. Now, thanks to new research from UBC Okanagan, those bottles may have a second life in that landfill—stabilizing its earth walls.

Computer Sciences

Social intelligence is the next frontier for AI, researchers say

Siri and Google Assistant may be able to schedule meetings on request, but they don't have the social understanding to independently prioritize the appointments—yet. According to researchers based in China, artificial intelligence ...

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