Machine learning & AI

Deep learning: A framework for image analysis in life sciences

Scientists are constantly seeking imaging systems that are faster, more powerful and capable of supporting longer observation times. This is especially true in life sciences, where objects of interest are rarely visible to ...

Computer Sciences

How will machine learning change science?

Machine learning has burst onto the scene in the past two decades and will be a defining technology of the future. It is transforming large sectors of society, including healthcare, education, transport, and food and industrial ...

Computer Sciences

Sweden's fastest supercomputer for AI is now online

Berzelius is now Sweden's fastest supercomputer for AI and machine learning, and has been installed in the National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University. A donation of EUR 29.5 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg ...


Facebook anniversaries inspire reflection, nostalgia: study

Posted on Facebook, milestones such as birthdays and anniversaries prompt users to reflect on the passage of time and the patterns of their lives—and help the social media giant recycle content in order to boost engagement, ...


Sundar Pichai steps into huge role as Alphabet CEO

Taking the reins as chief executive of Google parent Alphabet, the soft-spoken, Indian-born Sundar Pichai faces a host of challenges at one of the world's most valuable companies, which has become besieged by activists and ...

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