Computer Sciences

Researchers teach an AI to write better chart captions

Chart captions that explain complex trends and patterns are important for improving a reader's ability to comprehend and retain the data being presented. For people with visual disabilities, the information in a caption often ...

Machine learning & AI

Shrinking deep learning's carbon footprint

In June, OpenAI unveiled the largest language model in the world, a text-generating tool called GPT-3 that can write creative fiction, translate legalese into plain English, and answer obscure trivia questions. It's the latest ...

Energy & Green Tech

AI techniques used to improve battery health and safety

Researchers have designed a machine learning method that can predict battery health with 10x higher accuracy than current industry standard, which could aid in the development of safer and more reliable batteries for electric ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence finds disease-related genes

An artificial neural network can reveal patterns in huge amounts of gene expression data and discover groups of disease-related genes. This has been shown by a new study led by researchers at Linköping University, published ...

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