Machine learning & AI

How machine learning can improve food insecurity predictions

Food insecurity in low-income countries is on the rise as climate variation and economic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, take their toll. Accurately predicting when and where hunger crises occur is critical to effective ...

Machine learning & AI

Improving machine learning for materials design

A new approach can train a machine learning model to predict the properties of a material using only data obtained through simple measurements, saving time and money compared with those currently used. It was designed by ...

Machine learning & AI

How AI could alert firefighters of imminent danger

Firefighting is a race against time. Exactly how much time? For firefighters, that part is often unclear. Building fires can turn from bad to deadly in an instant, and the warning signs are frequently difficult to discern ...


How to burst your bubble: Broadening your social media horizons

Evangelos Papalexakis is an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at UC Riverside's Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering. His research spans data science, signal processing, machine learning, ...

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