Machine learning & AI

Machine learning helps retrace evolution of classical music

Researchers in EPFL's Digital and Cognitive Musicology Lab in the College of Humanities used an unsupervised machine learning model to 'listen to' and categorize more than 13,000 pieces of Western classical music, revealing ...


Using AI to predict new materials with desired properties

Scientists in Japan have developed a machine learning approach that can predict the elements and manufacturing processes needed to obtain an aluminum alloy with specific, desired mechanical properties. The approach, published ...

Machine learning & AI

Using the past to predict the future: The case of Typhoon Hagibis

The past is often the window to our future, especially when it comes to natural disasters. Using data from the 2018 floods that struck southwestern Japan to calibrate a machine learning model, researchers from the International ...

Computer Sciences

Designing lightweight glass for efficient cars and wind turbines

A new machine-learning algorithm for exploring lightweight, very stiff glass compositions can help design next-gen materials for more efficient vehicles and wind turbines. Glasses can reinforce polymers to generate composite ...

Machine learning & AI

Shaping the future of machine learning for active matter

Now researchers are presenting guidelines for how active matter, such as cells and microorganisms, can best be studied using machine learning techniques. The guidelines can help others navigate the new field, which can significantly ...

Computer Sciences

The most human algorithm

It is now possible to predict who the best candidate for receiving an organ transplant is, know whether clients of a bank will return the loans they request, choose the films that best coincide with the interests of consumers, ...

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