Energy & Green Tech

Scientists tap unused energy source to power smart sensor networks

The electricity that lights our homes and powers our appliances also creates small magnetic fields that are present all around us. Scientists have developed a new mechanism capable of harvesting this wasted magnetic field ...


Quantum sensing on a chip

MIT researchers have, for the first time, fabricated a diamond-based quantum sensor on a silicon chip. The advance could pave the way toward low-cost, scalable hardware for quantum computing, sensing, and communication.


New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections

Say you notice a sudden drop in temperature on both your patio and kitchen thermometers. At first, you think it's because of a cold snap, so you crank up the heat in your home. Then you realize that while the outside has ...


Electronic skin points the way north

While birds naturally perceive the Earth's magnetic field and use it for orientation, humans do not share this ability—at least, until now. Researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in Germany have ...


Magnetic skin ensures the force is with you

Who has not unleashed their inner Jedi to use "the force" to open automatic doors at the shopping mall? A novel magnetic skin has been developed at KAUST that can remotely control switches and keyboards with the wave of a ...

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