
Liquid metal 3-D printing could revolutionize how things are made

A father and son team in the START-UP NY program have invented a liquid metal printing machine that could represent a significant transformation in manufacturing. A breakthrough idea five years ago by former University at ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers in Japan are showing way to decode thoughts

Making news this month is a study by researchers the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) and Kyoto University in Japan, having built a neural network that not only reads but re-creates what ...


Fujifilm, IBM unveil 580-terabyte magnetic tape

When it comes to magnetic tape storage capacity, smaller is larger. That is, as the magnetic particles that store data become smaller, more data can be stockpiled in the same amount of space.

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI tool generates video from brain activity

"Alexa, play back that dream I had about Kirsten last week." That's a command that may not be too far off in the future, as researchers close in on technology that can tap into our minds and retrieve the imagery of our thoughts.


3-D printed active metamaterials for sound and vibration control

Researchers have been pushing the capabilities of materials by carefully designing precise structures that exhibit abnormal properties that can control acoustic or optical waves. However, these metamaterials are constructed ...

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