Energy & Green Tech

New process makes battery production more eco-friendly

Switching from gas-powered cars to electric vehicles is one way to reduce carbon emissions, but building the lithium-ion batteries that power those EVs can be an energy-intensive and polluting process itself. Now researchers ...


Boeing CEO to face Capitol Hill grilling

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is expected to apologize to families of crash victims on Tuesday as he faces a Senate grilling following accusations that the plane maker put profits over safety.

Manufacturing process management

Manufacturing Process Management (MPM) is a collection of technologies and methods used to define how products are to be manufactured. MPM differs from ERP/MRP which is used to plan the ordering of materials and other resources, set manufactuirng schedules, and compile cost data.

A cornerstone of MPM is the central repository for the integration of all these tools and activities aids in the exploration of alternative production line scenarios; making assembly lines more efficient with the aim of reduced lead time to product launch, shorter product times and reduced work in progress (WIP) inventories as well as allowing rapid response to product or product changes.

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