
Inferring what we share by how we share

It's getting harder for people to decipher real information from fake information online. But patterns in the ways in which information is spread over the internet—say, from user to user on a social media network—may ...


Toward active thermomechanical control in precision mechatronics

Next-generation mechatronic systems form a vital part of the infrastructure that facilitates the technological advancements and innovations in the high-tech manufacturing, life sciences and medical industries. These systems ...

Energy & Green Tech

Inertia and the power grid: A guide without the spin

The power grid is evolving to include ever-higher levels of wind and solar generation—which do not provide inertia, historically a key source of grid reliability. Should system planners and operators panic? A new video ...


Scientists finally confirm a 50-year-old theory in mechanics

An experiment by EPFL researchers has confirmed a theory that has been used in mechanics for over half a century—despite never having been fully validated. The team could now use the theory in bolder and more innovative ...


Bionic jellyfish swim faster and more efficiently

Engineers at Caltech and Stanford University have developed a tiny prosthetic that enables jellyfish to swim faster and more efficiently than they normally do, without stressing the animals. The researchers behind the project ...


Can sea star movement inspire better robots?

Have you ever seen a sea star move? To many of us, sea star seem motionless, like a rock on the ocean's floor, but in actuality, they have hundreds of tube feet attached to their underbelly. These feet stretch and contract ...

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