Electronics & Semiconductors

Smart textiles sense how their users are moving

Using a novel fabrication process, MIT researchers have produced smart textiles that snugly conform to the body so they can sense the wearer's posture and motions.

Computer Sciences

An automated health care system that understands when to step in

In recent years, entire industries have popped up that rely on the delicate interplay between human workers and automated software. Companies like Facebook work to keep hateful and violent content off their platforms using ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-powered wearable tech

For emerging wearable tech to advance, it needs improved power sources. Now researchers from Michigan State University have provided a potential solution via crumpled carbon nanotube forests, or CNT forests.


Trajectory planning could boost safety in medical robotics

Using a newly-devised complex algorithm, the researchers have created a perfectly choreographed "dance" using two robotic arms, continuously retaining a clear space between them—where a patient's body would fit—as well ...

Machine learning & AI

ChatGPT diagnoses ER patients 'like a human doctor': Study

Artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT diagnosed patients rushed to emergency at least as well as doctors and in some cases outperformed them, Dutch researchers have found, saying AI could "revolutionize the medical field".


Teaching robots to teach other robots

A new USC study finds that by sharing knowledge with each other at the same time, AI agents can quickly learn a wider range of tasks, with applications in medicine and beyond.

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