Computer Sciences

New research teaches AI how people move with internet videos

New research at the University of Michigan can train neural network models to identify a person's position in videos where only a portion of their body is visible in the shot. This breakthrough opens up a huge library of ...

Computer Sciences

Neural network model finds small objects in dense images

In efforts to automatically capture important data from scientific papers, computer scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a method to accurately detect small, geometric objects ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers sniff out AI breakthroughs in mammal brains

When you smell an orange, the scent is most likely combined with several others: car exhaust, garbage, flowers, soap. Those smells bind simultaneously to the hundreds of receptors in your brain's olfactory bulb, obscuring ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning predicts behavior of biological circuits

Biomedical engineers at Duke University have devised a machine learning approach to modeling the interactions between complex variables in engineered bacteria that would otherwise be too cumbersome to predict. Their algorithms ...

Computer Sciences

Teaching machines to reason about what they see

A child who has never seen a pink elephant can still describe one—unlike a computer. "The computer learns from data," says Jiajun Wu, a Ph.D. student at MIT. "The ability to generalize and recognize something you've never ...

Computer Sciences

Computer approaches human skill for first time in mapping brain

A WSU research team for the first time has developed a computer algorithm that is nearly as accurate as people are at mapping brain neural networks—a breakthrough that could speed up the image analysis that researchers ...

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