
How surface roughness influences the adhesion of soft materials

Adhesive tape or sticky notes are easy to attach to a surface, but are difficult to remove. This phenomenon, known as adhesion hysteresis, can be fundamentally observed in soft, elastic materials: Adhesive contact is formed ...

Machine learning & AI

AI models are powerful, but are they biologically plausible?

Artificial neural networks, ubiquitous machine-learning models that can be trained to complete many tasks, are so called because their architecture is inspired by the way biological neurons process information in the human ...

Energy & Green Tech

Getting wave energy technology from the lab to the market

Wave energy is a form of renewable energy that can be harnessed from the motion of waves. On its own, it could easily meet all of the world's energy needs. Europe, home to several of the finest resources thanks to its Atlantic ...

Computer Sciences

Using deep learning to predict imminent precipitations

Deep learning models have proved to be very effective for analyzing large amounts of data and accurately predicting future events. This makes them advantageous for a wide range of applications, including weather forecasting.


Developing "superwood" for infrastructure

With the development of steel and concrete piles over the years, the use of timber piles in civil infrastructure has steadily declined. While timber piles are a renewable and a low-cost foundation system, they have low stiffness ...


Freeze! New model to protect ships from ice accretion

Researchers from Skoltech (Russia) and their colleagues from SINTEF (Norway) have developed a mathematical model of freezing water droplets moving in cold air. This model is a part of a joint RFBR-supported Russian-Norway ...

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