
A 20 kW laser system for producing high-purity crystals

High-purity semiconductor crystals are required for power electronics in electric cars or in photovoltaics. When such crystals reach a diameter of 2 inches, they become relevant for industrial applications.


Students design 3-D-printed optical mapping system

Two School of Engineering and Applied Science students designed a 3-D-printed system for optical mapping, a leading tool in cardiac electrophysiology used to study arrhythmia mechanisms. The system can be implemented for ...


LiDAR and radar sensors—space-saving headlight installation

People use their eyes and ears to pick up on traffic situations involving potential hazards. For self-driving vehicles to do the same thing, they need a whole host of sensors. As the number of sensors they contain increases, ...


A new way to assess radiation damage in reactors

A new method could greatly reduce the time and expense needed for certain important safety checks in nuclear power reactors. The approach could save money and increase total power output in the short run, and it might increase ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Side-polished SMS-based RI sensor employing perfluorinated POF

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, Xuezhi Zhang, Boyue Yang, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xiaojun Fan, Zhaozhu Liu, Min Peng, Guanlong Chen and Tiegen Liu from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China discuss a side-polished ...

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