Computer Sciences

A very tiny alteration can help deepfakes escape detection

Last month, Sophie Wilmès, the prime minister of Belgium, appeared in an online video to tell her audience that the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to the "exploitation and destruction by humans of our natural environment." ...

Computer Sciences

Team shows how Turing-like patterns fool neural networks

Skoltech researchers were able to show that patterns that can cause neural networks to make mistakes in recognizing images are, in effect, akin to Turing patterns found all over the natural world. In the future, this result ...


Are brain-computer interface spellers secure?

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) record and decode brain signals to construct a communication pathway, which allows people to interact with a computer by thought directly. BCIs have been used in a broad range of applications, ...

Computer Sciences

Discovery of universal adversarial attacks for quantum classifiers

Artificial intelligence has achieved dramatic success over the past decade, with the triumph in predicting protein structures marked as the latest milestone. At the same time, quantum computing has also made remarkable progress ...