Energy & Green Tech

Printing perovskite solar cells

To reach the target of carbon neutral, a transition from fossil energy to renewable energy generation is indispensable. Photovoltaic technology is considered as one of the most prominent sources of renewable energy. For decades, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Renewable energy, new perspectives for photovoltaic cells

In the future, photovoltaic cells could be 'worn' over clothes, placed on cars or even on beach umbrellas. These are just some of the possible developments from a study published in Nature Communications by researchers at ...

Energy & Green Tech

A flaky option boosts organic solar cells

An inexpensive material, made from tungsten disulfide flakes just a few atoms thick, has helped to improve the performance of organic solar cells1. The discovery by KAUST researchers could be an important step toward bringing ...


Light, flexible, efficient: Perovskite-based tandem solar cells

Roof tiles are becoming a thing of the past: Today, more and more Swiss roofs boast large black and blue rectangles that convert sunlight into electricity. The blueish color comes from silicon crystals, as the majority of ...

Energy & Green Tech

Research team undertakes study of perovskite photovoltaic modules

A research team has conducted a review of recent advances in perovskite photovoltaic modules. Perovskite solar cells hold great promise for the next generation of photovoltaic technology. With this promising technology comes ...

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