Electronics & Semiconductors

A novel energy-efficient actuator system for micro loudspeakers

We want modern technology to become smaller and more energy-efficient without losing quality. Technical innovation is required to achieve this. For several years, the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS has ...

Energy & Green Tech

Experts discuss future surplus power storage technologies

If the transition to renewables is to succeed, we will need a viable means of storing surplus heat and electricity. Globe spoke to experts from ETH Zurich about the promising technologies that could help us reach net zero.

Energy & Green Tech

The curtailment paradox in a high solar future

Rising penetrations of variable renewable energy (VRE) in power systems are expected to increase curtailment—the reduction of renewable energy delivered due to oversupply or lack of system flexibility. But while curtailment ...

Energy & Green Tech

Self-powered wearable tech

For emerging wearable tech to advance, it needs improved power sources. Now researchers from Michigan State University have provided a potential solution via crumpled carbon nanotube forests, or CNT forests.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Bio-inspired localization system slashes power consumption

Inspired by barn owls, researchers have developed an innovative localization system that combines state-of-the-art sensors with a neuromorphic computational map based on resistive random-access memory (RRAM).


Tackling the high-voltage needs of next-gen satellites

Scientists at the Swiss Plasma Center at EPFL, in collaboration with Beyond Gravity and with the support of the ESA, have developed a slip ring assembly that can more than triple the operational voltage of new-generation, ...

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