Computer Sciences

Computers may be evolving but are they intelligent?

The term "artificial intelligence" (AI) was first used back in 1956 to describe the title of a workshop of scientists at Dartmouth, an Ivy League college in the United States.

Energy & Green Tech

Japan court: Nuclear plant's tsunami safeguards inadequate

A Japanese court on Tuesday ordered a utility not to restart a nuclear power plant because of inadequate tsunami safeguards, backing the safety concerns of residents at a time the government is pushing for more reactors to ...


Simplifying smart security for the middle-aged

Home security for people who have reached middle age and older is an important concern in China, according to the authors of new research published in the International Journal of Embedded Systems.

Energy & Green Tech

New modeling tool describes fairer electricity trade

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues have proposed a new model for the interaction of nations trading electricity and their network lines planning. Described in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, the model suggests ...

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