Energy & Green Tech

New material developed for better supercapacitor applications

Supercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors or electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), are advanced energy storage devices with unique characteristics. Unlike traditional batteries, supercapacitors store energy through ...


Matching energy supply and demand in buildings

As power grids evolve to incorporate new variable renewable energy sources and adapt to growing peak electricity demands, balancing the grid—scheduling appropriate electricity supply to match demand—will become increasingly ...


Avocado robot swings its way to unexplored treetops

It abseils from a height and swings around obstacles: Robot Avocado will one day maneuver through the canopy of the rainforest and collect data for researchers about this hard-to-reach habitat.

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Power metal

Power metal is a style of heavy metal music combining characteristics of traditional metal with thrash metal or speed metal, often within symphonic context. The term refers to two different but related styles: the first pioneered and largely practiced in North America with a harder sound similar to speed metal, and a later more widespread and popular style based in Europe (especially Germany, Italy, Scandinavia) and Japan (early Visual Kei bands) with a lighter, more melodic sound and frequent use of keyboards.

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