
Floating solar's potential to support sustainable development

A study, published in Nature Energy, is among the first to explore the floating photovoltaics (FPV) at the continental scale, finding that FPV installed at existing major reservoirs could produce 20–100% of the electricity ...


Piezo composites with carbon fibers for motion sensors

An international research group has engineered a novel, high-strength flexible device by combining piezoelectric composites with unidirectional carbon fiber (UDCF), an anisotropic material that provides strength only in the ...

Computer Sciences

Researcher creates VR sequences to test eyewitness statements

Eyewitness statements are one of the key sources for identifying perpetrators—and one of the most error-prone. For example, the Innocence Project—an organization that works to clear up miscarriages of justice in the U.S.—states ...

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