
Robot umpires are coming to baseball. Will they strike out?

Baseball fans know the bitter heartbreak of calls that don't go their way—especially, a ball that should've been a strike. And, with advances in technology including computer vision, artificial intelligence, and the ubiquity ...


LiDAR and radar sensors—space-saving headlight installation

People use their eyes and ears to pick up on traffic situations involving potential hazards. For self-driving vehicles to do the same thing, they need a whole host of sensors. As the number of sensors they contain increases, ...

Computer Sciences

New AI sensor technology for autonomous driving

Researchers at TU Graz have modeled an AI system for automotive radar sensors that filters out interfering signals caused by other radar sensors and dramatically improves object detection. Now the system is to be made more ...


AI radar system that can spot miniature drones 3 kilometers away

DGIST announced on Tuesday, July 16 that Senior Researcher Dae-gun Oh's team in the Collaborative Robots Research Center developed a radar system that can detect subminiature drones that are 3km away. This research is expected ...

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