
Snake robot turned movie hero

When the Norwegian production company Fantefilm searched the internet to find the coolest underwater robot in the world, they discovered to their surprise that it was being manufactured in Norway. The robot has thus become ...


New wind field models accurately describe wind gusts

Researchers at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, have developed a new statistical model with which they can describe wind turbulence with considerably greater accuracy than ever before. The team of scientists from the ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Deployable human-scale immersive virtual environments?

Imagine being inside Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Collaborative Research Augmented Immersive Virtual Environment Laboratory (CRAIVE Lab), which features a front-projection 360-degree panoramic display to immerse you ...


Light processing improves robotic sensing, study finds

A team of Army researchers uncovered how the human brain processes bright and contrasting light, which they say is a key to improving robotic sensing and enabling autonomous agents to team with humans.

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