Electronics & Semiconductors

Ancient art of kirigami meets AI for better materials design

Kirigami is the Japanese art of paper cutting. Likely derived from the Chinese art of jiǎnzhǐ, it emerged around the 7th century in Japan, where it was used to decorate temples. Still in practice today, the kirigami artist ...


Modular and scalable AI-based financial portfolio management

The ability to predict movements in the stock market can be an extremely lucrative skill. For portfolio managers, who reallocate capital into the multiple assets of a portfolio, predicting price trends enables them to maximize ...

Computer Sciences

Artificial intelligence resolves riddle of animal swirling

A group of Skoltech scientists—Ph.D. student Egor Nuzhin, Assistant Professor Maxim Panov, and Professor Nikolay Brilliantov—applied artificial intelligence methods to explain an enigmatic natural phenomenon: animal swirling. ...


Engineers teach AI to navigate ocean with minimal energy

Engineers at Caltech, ETH Zurich, and Harvard are developing an artificial intelligence (AI) that will allow autonomous drones to use ocean currents to aid their navigation, rather than fighting their way through them.

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