Computer Sciences

Neural network has learned to identify tree species

Skoltech scientists have developed an algorithm that can identify various tree species in satellite images. Their research was published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.


French Minitel pioneer dies aged 88

Gerard Thery, the telecoms engineer whose Minitel project brought internet-style communications to France long before other industrialised countries, has died aged 88, officials said Monday.


Satnav test on remote island lab

ESA's navigation testbed vehicle participated in a campaign organized by Norwegian governmental authorities to assess the impact of jamming and spoofing on satnav systems and test innovative technologies for detection and ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Apple maintains prices on new iPhones despite inflation

Apple's latest line-up of iPhones will boast better cameras, faster processors, and a longer lasting battery—all at the same prices as last year's models, despite inflationary pressure that has driven up the cost of many ...

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