Energy & Green Tech

Harvesting water from air with solar power

More than 2.2 billion people currently live in water-stressed countries, and the United Nations estimates that 3.5 million die every year from water-related diseases. Because the areas most in need of improved drinking water ...


More efficient electrodes for carbon dioxide recycling

With the ever-increasing interest in renewable energy, scientists are continuously searching for new technologies to store energy. CO2 electrolysis is a promising way to store energy while recycling carbon dioxide. By applying ...

Energy & Green Tech

Battery materials: What is the battery of the future made of?

The Empa research group led by Maksym Kovalenko is researching innovative materials for the batteries of tomorrow. Whether it's fast-charging electric cars or low-cost stationary storage, there's a promising material or a ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Seeking stability to support sustainable outdoor solar cells

The molecular structure of organic semiconductors is key to the outdoor stability of organic solar cells. Molecular-level insight into one family of organic solar cell materials, known as Y-series nonfullerene acceptors (Y-NFAs), ...

Energy & Green Tech

Consortium runs world's first hydrogen-powered gas turbine

A European consortium on Wednesday said it had in a world first successfully tested a gas turbine fully powered by hydrogen, opening the way to slashing carbon emissions in energy-intensive industries like cement.

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