Computer Sciences

Can computers write product reviews with a human touch?

Artificial intelligence systems can be trained to write human-like product reviews that assist consumers, marketers and professional reviewers, according to a study from Dartmouth College, Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, ...

Computer Sciences

Avoid a privacy nightmare with 'Lean Privacy Review'

When Google launched its own attempt at a social network—Google Buzz—back in 2010, the company initially suffered a PR nightmare. "WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw," read Business Insider. It turned out, Google ...


At its 787 Dreamliner factory, Boeing prepares for takeoff

As airlines seek to fulfill customers' growing post-pandemic appetites for long-haul travel, Boeing is aiming to speed up production of its 787 Dreamliners after a period plagued by repeated delivery interruptions due to ...

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