Energy & Green Tech

When the sun switches off the solar panels

The more the sun shines in the southern German town of Aurach, the more likely it is that Jens Husemann's solar panels will be disconnected from the grid—an exasperating paradox at a time when Germany is navigating an energy ...

Energy & Green Tech

The role of energy density for grid-scale batteries

Because the sun does not shine at night but all our screens do, we need energy storage to shift solar energy production during the day to when it is needed in the evening. To cope with this intermittence of renewables, we ...

Energy & Green Tech

Harvesting energy from moving trains

The Virginia Tech Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety (CVeSS) and the Railway Technologies Laboratory want to harness the energy created by moving trains and transform that energy into usable electricity.

Energy & Green Tech

In rural America, big solar projects often get a frosty welcome

From her century-old home, Susan Burns has watched the sun set over her cousin's field every day for 75 years. Now her cousin has agreed to have solar panels installed on the field, and an unhappy Burns finds herself in a ...


Japan rolls out 'humble and lovable' delivery robots

"Excuse me, coming through," a four-wheeled robot chirps as it dodges pedestrians on a street outside Tokyo, part of an experiment businesses hope will tackle labor shortages and rural isolation.


'Wi-Fi 'antenna' provides options for rural areas

Ah, the joys of living out in the country: the quiet, the space and the peacefulness. Then there's the internet connection, which can go from bad to worse quickly in many rural areas.

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Rural area

Rural areas ( referred to as "the countryside") are large and isolated areas of a country, often with low population density. Today, 75 percent of the United States' inhabitants live in suburban and urban areas, but cities occupy only 2 percent of the country. Rural areas occupy the remaining 98 percent.

About 91 percent of the rural population now earn salaried incomes, often in urban areas. The 10 percent who still produce resources generate 20 percent of the world’s coal, copper, and oil; 10 percent of its wheat, 20 percent of its meat, and 50 percent of its corn. The efficiency of these farms is due in large part to the commercialization of the farming industry, and not single family operations.

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