
EXPLAINER: What the $65B broadband service plan will do

The Senate's $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan includes a $65 billion investment in broadband that the White House says will "deliver reliable, affordable, high-speed internet to every household."


What if cell service were portable?

When Hurricane Maria, a deadly category 5 hurricane, hit Puerto Rico in September 2017, it caused catastrophic destruction that cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives. As residents attempted to communicate with emergency ...


Connecting rural African communities one bus at a time

In urban African communities, communication infrastructure has made it possible for people to share information quickly and easily. However, the same cannot be said for rural areas where there are tight resource constraints ...

Energy & Green Tech

Modeling the climate-energy consumption link in Tibet

Researchers from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research (ITP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have investigated how climate influences the amount of electricity used in Tibetan homes based on machine learning.

Energy & Green Tech

Star power: Togo bets on solar energy for its rural poor

Not so long ago, whenever he wanted to watch a football match or recharge his phone, Ousmane Kantcho had to go "into town"—a 15-kilometre ride by bicycle on poor roads in the savannah.

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Rural area

Rural areas ( referred to as "the countryside") are large and isolated areas of a country, often with low population density. Today, 75 percent of the United States' inhabitants live in suburban and urban areas, but cities occupy only 2 percent of the country. Rural areas occupy the remaining 98 percent.

About 91 percent of the rural population now earn salaried incomes, often in urban areas. The 10 percent who still produce resources generate 20 percent of the world’s coal, copper, and oil; 10 percent of its wheat, 20 percent of its meat, and 50 percent of its corn. The efficiency of these farms is due in large part to the commercialization of the farming industry, and not single family operations.

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