
The factory of the future speaks our language

The complexity of large industrial production plants is hardly manageable for a single person. In order to maintain, monitor and service an industrial production line, it therefore makes sense to rely on artificial intelligence ...


Circuit board reads 8000 messages per second

Autonomous vehicles are in demand like never before. At NTNU, researchers have developed a circuit board that can be adapted to different drones with simple steps. Airbus has tested the system on a lunar landing prototype.

Machine learning & AI

Gesture recognition technology shrinks to micro size

New resource-efficient gesture recognition can be embedded into smart clothing. Technology developed in collaboration between Aalto University and company HitSeed could be used in manufacturing and healthcare, for example.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Smart suit wirelessly powered by a smartphone

Athletes are always on the lookout for new ways to push the limits of human performance and one needs to first pinpoint their current limits objectively if they seek to overcome them. A team of researchers from the National ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

In-sensor computing to speed up machine vision

By applying in-sensor computing of analog data, a team of researchers at Vienna University of Technology's Institute of Photonics has developed a way to speed up machine vision. In their paper published in the journal Nature, ...

Machine learning & AI

Condition monitoring and data analysis in the cloud

In today's factories, to prevent damage to machines, sensors often trigger an alarm as soon as equipment begins to exhibit suspicious behavior—but rarely is this sensor data fully exploited. At the Hannover Messe Preview ...

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Sensor fusion

Sensor fusion is the combining of sensory data or data derived from sensory data from disparate sources such that the resulting information is in some sense better than would be possible when these sources were used individually. The term better in that case can mean more accurate, more complete, or more dependable, or refer to the result of an emerging view, such as stereoscopic vision (calculation of depth information by combining two-dimensional images from two cameras at slightly different viewpoints).

The data sources for a fusion process are not specified to originate from identical sensors. One can distinguish direct fusion, indirect fusion and fusion of the outputs of the former two. Direct fusion is the fusion of sensor data from a set of heterogeneous or homogeneous sensors, soft sensors, and history values of sensor data, while indirect fusion uses information sources like a priori knowledge about the environment and human input.

Sensor fusion is also known as (multi-sensor) Data fusion and is a subset of information fusion.

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