
Spanish couple develop high-tech specs to help son see

When their two-year-old son Biel started falling over a lot and had difficulty climbing stairs after learning to walk, Jaume Puig and his wife sought medical help to figure out the problem.

Computer Sciences

Do deep networks 'see' as well as humans?

A new study from the Centre for Neuroscience (CNS) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) explores how well deep neural networks compare to the human brain when it comes to visual perception.

Computer Sciences

Resilience against replay attacks in computer systems

From power grids and telecommunications to water supply and financial systems, digital data controls the infrastructure systems on which society relies. These complex, multi-tier systems depend on layered communications to ...


Mechanical engineers develop coronavirus decontamination robot

S tudies show that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is readily destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet light and heat while on surfaces, such as countertops, chairs, walls and floors. This vulnerability sparked an idea ...

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