Machine learning & AI

Machine learning to predict if you'll leave your partner

The life satisfaction of both partners and the woman's percentage of housework turned out to be the most important predictors of union dissolution, when scholars affiliated to Bocconi's Dondena Centre for Research on Social ...


Hitting net-zero without stopping flying

One of the largest producers of carbon emissions is air travel, yet many view flying as a necessary enabler of tourism and international business. One promising way for consumers to take responsibility for their carbon emissions ...


Russia's central bank calls for crypto crackdown

The Russian central bank proposed Thursday cracking down on cryptocurrencies, a move which if adopted could disrupt the burgeoning virtual money sector as Russia is one of the largest crypto-mining nations in the world.


Beijing Olympics organisers say app security flaws 'fixed'

An app that Winter Olympics attendees must use has been patched, a Chinese official told AFP Thursday, after cyber security researchers said they had found a "simple but devastating" flaw that could allow data leaks.

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