
Tracking crypto pump-and-dump operations on social media

The practice is unethical, yet not illegal per the SEC. Cryptocurrency scammers have found a way to make a quick profit through social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram, using the pump and dump method. In short: they ...


Web surfing that feels instantaneous, even though it's not

If the coronavirus pandemic drove your life online, you've probably been there: Maybe you're using video chat to get work done or connect with far-flung friends. No matter how much bandwidth you have, the lag between one ...

Machine learning & AI

How to figure out what you don't know

Increasingly, biologists are turning to computational modeling to make sense of complex systems. In neuroscience, researchers are adapting the kinds of algorithms used to forecast the weather or filter spam from your email ...

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In the investment world, a share of stock (also referred to as equity share) represents a share of ownership in a corporation (company).

In the plural, stocks is often used as a synonym for shares especially in the United States, but it is less commonly used that way outside of North America.[1]

In the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities.[2]

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